Hello blogging world! I know it has been a while but here
I am! Maybe I need to start doing short weekly update posts. Hmmmm...
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about contentment and
living in the present moment. I think that far too often I am complaining about
the present and longing for the future. When I was in high school I couldn’t
wait for the freedom of college; now that I am in college I am impatient to
graduate and get a full time job in my field; as a single young adult, I long
to know my vocation (I think it’s
marriage). The list goes on.
Of course the flip side of this coin is looking to the
past! “Remember the good ol’ days,” people say. When in reality the past had
its own trials which quickly fade into the background of our memories as we experience
our present trials. To quote my History professor, “There is no such thing as
the good old days.”
The grass is always greener on the other side. I have
come to a better realization that every stage in life has its own trials.
This reminds me of Trace Adkins song Your Gonna Miss This
Here’s some of the first lyrics:
She was starin' out the window of their SUV
Complainin', sayin', “I can't wait to turn eighteen”
She said, “I'll make my own money and I'll make my own
Momma, put the car in park out there in front of the
And she kissed her head, and said, “I was just like you”
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
It is so important to live in the present moment, and
enjoy the blessings (small and large) God has bestowed on you for that day.
That is my goal for this fall semester. I am going to try to enjoy my second to
the last semester at college because I will never have this time back. I am
debt free, I am healthy, I am attending a college that I love, I am young, I will
have two part time jobs, I don’t have to pay rent, I have parents that help me
out financially and give me very wise advice. Never again will I have this time
in my life, and darn it, I am going to enjoy it! ;)
Have a wonderful weekend!